Alaska Mountains

Years ago, Eric and I went to Alaska and attempted a snowy hike of Flattop. It was kind of treacherous and we didn’t even make it halfway. At our turnaround point, we saw a grandma, toddler, and a mom with a baby in a hiking carrier coming, presumably, from the summit. I was in awe. These Alaska Women must be a different breed, to have hiked so far with a baby on your back and toddler in tow! 

Alaska Mom became my new goal. My measure of strength and resilience in motherhood and life. I pushed myself to new heights with Alaska Mom in my mind, wondering if I could ever achieve such impressive feats and make them look easy.

Alaska forest










She inspired me to keep going when being pregnant got hard, to bring my baby on hikes, to give my toddler space to take risks, to hike mountains while pregnant again and while my toddler was taking risks on my patience 😅

When I was hugely pregnant and climbing over boulders in New Hampshire, I would think, “I bet Alaska Mom eats boulders like this for breakfast” and she would inspire me to keep going. When the hiking pack got heavy and hills got steep, I would think, “Alaska Mom did this on ICE” and she gave me the encouragement to keep going.

I have never once wondered if Alaska Mom was on her last nerve, or her legs were burning, or the toddler was begging for more snacks. I’ll probably never know (but as a regular mother, I can guess 😉 ). Witnessing her strength in that one small moment has inspired me for years.

These past two years have been…hmm, what’s a positive term for absolute 💩 ….”an opportunity for personal growth?” “A season of trials?” Whatever you want to call it, the terrain was rocky.














And yet,
I made it.


With a baby on my back and a little boy in tow.










Certainly not without the support of people who love me a lot.

 Certainly not without wanting to give up at times.




I still made it.

Maybe I’ve become my own Alaska Mom.

2 Responses

  1. You are Alaska Mom for the journey you have traveled and still walk everyday! You are amazing and inspiring. Thank you for sharing and inspiring others. ❤️
    There is so much beauty in all that you have struggled with and fought through, coming out stronger on the other side 💪It is truly amazing to see God’s work, even through the horrible stuff.

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