Fall family photo session




The clouds parted and sun started to shine right as we pulled into the Yoder Family’s front driveway. What a beautiful sign for this fall family photography session! And honestly, when you’re around the Yoders, it feels like the sun is always shining 😊

Lee, Hannah, and their kids Emma and Hudson are so sweet and so fun. Lee actually “retired” from his job as a physical therapist a few years ago and jumped headfirst into his real estate investing business, Threefold Real Estate Investing. When they do things, they go all in! The whole family is involved in the business! I think its so beautiful that Hannah and Lee are strong partners in business and life and that they include their kids in learning and serving the community.

Lebanon fall family photo session
Lebanon fall family photo session
Lebanon fall family photo session

Emma has such a tender heart and gentle soul. She loves deeply and makes you feel it. Emma made me cards as I was going through treatment and that act of kindness truly warmed me on the tough days. I’m so impressed with her maturity and gentleness.

Hudson is the perfect mix of kind and wild. He plays so carefully with my little guys, but will also be game for extreme biking! Hudson is a thinker and a builder -as a toddler he wanted REAL tools 😂 We are so blessed by Hudson’s sweet soul and the fact there is never a dull moment with him.

Lebanon fall family photo session
Lebanon fall family photo session
Lebanon fall family photo session
Lebanon fall family photo session

Lee and Hannah have made a beautiful life together on their mini farm? homestead? oversized garden? Whatever it is, they have put their hearts into making their home a loving and welcoming place for animals and people alike. They take this love and hospitality into their business to bless so many communities.



This family session was set entirely on their gorgeous property -you can see the love and dedication the family (well, mostly Hannah) has put into the gardens! Wow!

Lebanon fall family photo session

Dear Lee, Hannah, Emma, and Hudson,


I had such a wonderful time with you at your fall family session! I love watching you all interact with each other and how you put your whole hearts into whatever you do. Emma and Hudson, thank you especially for playing so sweetly with Glenn and Arthur -they love you so much! Emma has always been an amazing big sister and big cousin, and Hudson has learned from the best (well, about being a great big cousin 😉 ). Hannah and Lee, we love you so much. We’re blessed to have family like you!




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